Commercial Tax Credit Information

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The Energy Policy Act (EPA) of 2005 provides building owners, property managers and architects with an incentive to make energy efficient upgrades to their building. There are three qualifying subsystems for the tax incentives and these are:

  • HVC
  • Building Envelope
  • Lighting system

These are each eligible for a $.60 per square feet tax reduction and where all three are implemented, that amounts to a $1.80 per square feet tax reduction. Which might not seem like a lot at first, but when energy efficient upgrades are made to a 100,000 square feet building, that is a potential tax deduction of $72,000.

In a case where the 50 percent threshold has not been met, there is a partial tax deduction provided for commercial buildings under the EPA of 2005.

The tax deductions provided under the EPA of 2005 are valid from January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007. The Economy Stabilization Act of 2008 further extends the benefits of the EPA through December 31, 2013.

What this means is that in order for a building to qualify, it must be placed in service or retrofitted after December 31, 2005 and before January 1, 20014.

3M Sun Control Window Films are a qualifying product that can help you get a portion of this tax deduction. Please contact Window Film Depot for a complimentary feasibility study. Call 1-866-933-345

Making Your Building Eligible for an Energy Star in Colorado

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Recently, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) made known the first award initiative for outstanding state-led energy efficient programs. At the top of the list, was the Colorado Energy Star program of the Colorado Governor’s Energy Office.

The purpose of the Energy Star label of the Colorado Governor’s Energy Office is to encourage more green buildings in the Colorado area.

Benefits of Having the Energy Star Label on Your Building

Being an Energy Star partner is a way to set a builder apart as a leader in energy-efficient construction. The Energy Star label is a government supported icon for efficiency.
Also, because of the energy-saving technology incorporated into the building, being an Energy Star partner will invariably save on costs in the long run.

3M Window Film as a Feature of an Energy Star Building

A building that carries the Energy Star label incorporates a number of features including effective insulation, tight construction and ducts, efficient heating and cooling equipment and the use of efficient products. On feature which makes an Energy Star building stand out though, is the use of high performance, energy – efficient windows like 3M Window Film which make use of advanced technology.

3M Window Films are known for the protective measures they employ which serve to block UV rays from the harsh glare of the sun. They also serve to keep the heat out during summer months and the cold out during winter, which reduces the cost of cooling and heating respectively.

Working with Window Film Depot

If you are a building or property manager in the Colorado area and you need more information on how 3M Window Film can aid you on your road to becoming an Energy Star partner, contact

3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishing for Construction and Remodeling

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When working on new construction or remodelling application, the right finish is the icing on the cake. The right finish will give a sleek, sophisticated and professional appearance to your masterpiece. Finding it however, can be an ordeal. That is why 3M introduced the DI-NOC Architectural Finishes into the market.

Uses of 3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes

3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes are used to create a stunning visual effect in both new construction and remodelling applications. They can be used indoors or outdoors on almost any surface: flat surfaces, curved substrates, furniture, walls, fixtures, you name it. What is more, they can be applied to 3-dimensional surfaces and also thermoformed.

Why Use 3M Di-NOC Architectural Finish?

3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes consist of over 600 patterns available in both design and frosted variety to five architects and interior designers a plethora of alternatives. They create beautifully turned out visual appearances by dispersing light which results in high definition viewing though windows.
3M DI-NOC finishes are vinyl films and they simulate a number of natural and synthetic finishes such as marble, stucco, granite, wood and almost any other finish you can think of.

They are durable, cleanable, flexible and make use of a self-adhering technology. What is more, they have been around for some time so have the benefit of time-proven experience on their side.

Window Film Depot Can Help

If you are an energy service provider (ECSO) or facility and property manager and you are looking for a finish that is both stylish and elegant and energy saving, Window Film Depot stocks the 3M DI-NOC Architectural finish and has had years of experience working with private businesses, property managers and governments. Contact for more information.

Add to Your LEED Rating with 3M Window Film

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What is LEED Certification?

The trend in global construction is a rising awareness of the need to go ‘green’ or to implement energy saving techniques in building projects and general construction. Nothing demonstrates the compliance with international energy conservation standards like a LEED certification. A LEED certification is the accepted standard used in determining a building’s sustainability. Achieving LEED certification is the most effective method of demonstrating that a building has a high standard of energy conservation. The LEED green building rating system was developed and is administered by the U.S Green Building Council (USGBC), a nonprofit organization and the aim is to promote design and construction practices that increase the profitability of a building at the same time reducing harmful impact the building might have on the environment with close attention to occupant health and welfare.

Advantages of LEED Certification

The chief advantage to getting LEED certification for your building is the compelling proof it offers to clients, industry and the public that the environmental goals set for that building were achieved. Furthermore, it makes it possible for you to take advantage of the increasing state and local government incentives; many states in the U.S offer a number of tax credits and grants for buildings that meet the LEED Green Building Standard.

LEED for Commercial Interiors

LEED for commercial interiors is the yardstick used to measure the green standard of a building improved for the tenant. The characterizing features of a LEED certified interior include places that are less costly to operate and maintain and leave less environmental footprints. These places are regarded as productive places to work and as contributing to the overall wellbeing of those who work there.

3M Window Film and LEED Rating System

Using 3M Window Film in your building adds to your credit under the LEED rating system. The primary task of 3M Window Film is to aid in the reduction of the amount of heat getting into a building through the windows. 3M Window Film can add to the beauty of a building while offering some levels of privacy. But more than that 3M Window Film block 99% Ultra Violet (UV) rays thereby reducing damage. For money-saving and energy conservation, 3M Window Film provide the best option.

Let Window Film Depot Help

Window Film Depot works with industry stakeholders including Construction Managers to provide the best option to your Window Film needs. Window Film Depot professionals have years of experience working on 3M Window Film installation and are trained to find the right solution for you. Get a free estimate today. Call us@ 1-866-933-3456 or mail Jeff:

When renovating, building new construction or upgrading…consider using 3M™ Di-Noc™ Architectural surfacing.

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3M™ DI-NOC™, the high-end vinyl Architectural Finishes series from 3M™….this vinyl can be installed on all sorts of surfaces, regardless of the curvature.

Uses range from home wall interiors to wood trim on escalators at local malls, retail stores, corporate offices and countless other locations.

3M™ DI-NOC™ finishes simulate a variety of natural and synthetic finishes, including wood, granite, marble, stucco, and vinyl films.

Self-adhering, 3M™ DI-NOC™ architectural finishes are the perfect substitute to much more costlier natural and synthetic surface finishes.

Common Installation Sites: Elevator Lobbies, Restrooms, Doors & Hallways, Ceilings, Elevators Walls & Columns, Partitions, Galleries & Museums, Dining Areas, Cruise Ships, Retail & Corporate Offices.

Window Film Depot, Family owned and operated serves the residential, commercial and government markets in all 50 US States and beyond. We stock every film type for all client needs and have performed more turn-key window film installations for homeowners, property managers, retailers and building owners than any window film company in the US.

We specialize in ‘big buildings’ and multi-site retail storefront applications. We work with building engineers to help quantify energy savings, retail loss prevention officers to install ‘smash and grab’ prevention films and general contractors who need affordable reliability when deadlines approach.

Happy Earth Day 2010! Window Film Depot supports energy efficiency, renewable energy, green jobs & sustainability efforts.

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Energy Saving Habits to Develop

Do you remember as a child being asked by your mother if you were “born in a barn?” There are plenty of reasons why this is important. The fact is that there are small things, even simple things, to incorporate into your every day life to see improvements in your energy usage without really having to do much of anything.

In fact, all you really need to do is to ensure that you get yourself into some habits and within a month you will notice changes. While switching one light off isn’t going to make a huge deal on your bill, combining this with other features will show you some real signs of improvement and quickly too.

To help you, here are some of the best habits that you can form to gain great energy saving benefits:

Appliance Use
Take a look at your appliances usage. There are certain appliances that generate heat more so than others. The washer and dryer as well as your oven are prime candidates. Therefore, whenever possible, use these during the cooler parts of the day such as the morning and in the evening, to keep your air conditioning from having to kick on. If it is already hot and you are using them, the air conditioning units have to work harder using more energy to do so and costing you more.

Light Bulbs & Lighting
Throughout your home or office you will find various lights on and off at all times of the day, right? Make it a habit to turn them off each time you leave a room. In addition, you will want to make sure that the smallest comfortable light is in use at all times, not necessarily the light that is going to fill the room.

In addition, as you go throughout your home or office building replacing bulbs (as they burn out of course) begin replacing them with compact fluorescent bulbs. These are becoming more and more readily available even at the supermarket and department stores. Although they will cost more to put them into your home or commercial building, they will benefit you. These light bulbs put out as much as four times as many lumens per watt. So, if you purchase a 25 watt fluorescent bulb, you are going to have as much light as if you were using a 100 watt bulb of the standard, incandescent bulb. Therefore, with lower wattage use, you will use less electricity and save money.

In addition, these light bulbs will last you almost ten times as long as a standard light bulb will. In some case, you won’t have to replace them for years! This is definitely worth the investment. Doing this slowly as the others die out will allow it to be less of a cost shock.

Benefit from an exhaust fan in your home kitchen or commercial cafeteria area to pull out the heat and humidity from the area as you are cooking. In the summer, their use is outstanding in these areas to keep your air conditioning working less.

In addition, the bathroom facilities require an exhaust system..with the humidity pulled out before causing the air conditioning to kick on.

Adding Window Film
3M Window Films control heat, sun glare and UV radiation. Enjoy lower energy costs, increased comfort through glare reduction and enhanced fade protection. Insure your most precious valuables from premature sun damage with 99% UV block.

Project Management: Window Films Done Right

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Window Film Depot: Atlanta, Ga. 2010

Having recently completed a contract for a US Government agency that took our company from Northern Maine to Guam while installing 3M Security Film on over 800 unique job sites, this ‘lessons learned’ posting can help prospective buyers and suppliers of ‘fragment retention films’ (FRF films) benefit from our experience.

Below are five areas to focus on to ensure a successful multi-site security window film installation project.

  1. Have a Dynamic Work and Communication Plan:  Even the best blueprints drawn up by world class architects ‘evolve’ when real world challenges present themslves once the bullets start flying. The same holds true for multi-site installations of window films. As a contractor,work to build the necessary rapor (trust) and stay in constant communication with the client to ensure that when audibles do need to be called, you are able to do what’s necessary in the field to get the job done right.  As the client, listen to your contractor and step in where you can help to remove obstacles to implementing the revised playbook.
  2. Align your Organization and Partners: You may be ready for the ‘big time deal’ – but are your staff and vendor partners?  Don’t assume your technicians will be as excited as you are to be in 40 cities in 80 days. Bring key performers into the early planning of the project in order to get their input and insights. ‘Buy-in’ at this stage is essential – and people respond well to collaborative work plans.   Critical vendors and suppliers need to be part of the work plan for cash flow,  product procurement and inventory challenges that lie ahead. Avoid surprises by honestly discussing your needs and concerns, like product availability and shipping deadlines.
  3. Train up and ‘Tech up’ your Team: Installing fragment retention window films on 800 unique sites requires experienced PM’s and professional installers who can think on their feet and have the tools at their disposal necessary to succeed independently. For instance,  field technicians need to be able to adapt to a variety of different window and frame types while delivering the installation within GSA or USACE  spec. This requires an investment in training on the latest application techniques provided by 3M distributors, like Energy Products Distribution. Communication is also key between site contacts, project managers and installers. Utilizing smartphones, PDA’s, digital cameras and real-time video feeds can often help solve problems instantly –  avoiding costly return trips and missed deadlines.
  4. Control the Delivery: Sub-contractors can play an important role on big projects but need to be a supplement to the core installation team and not left alone to do the work that needs to be done by company employees. As a customer, make sure the company you are hiring is actually doing the work and not acting as a third party facilitator. Nothing can substitute for a boss’s ability to call out to ‘his guys’ and make sure the job gets done no matter what and at the highest standards of installation quality.  Everyone knows that subs respond differently to challenges than employees will and when things get tough, which they inevitably will,  you want “company guys” in the fox holes.
  5. Have a Quality Assurance Plan: Don’t wait to the end of a project to discuss the quality review and QC plan. Be upfront about industry standards and expectations. Retro-fit window films are difficult to install and there are well documented guidelines from the International Window Film Association to help contractor and customer define acceptable installations. During the pre-execution stage, document expectations with digital images of samples. Pay special attention to cure times,  anchoring caulk beads, edge contamination levels, light lines and acceptable layers of haze inherent in some thicker security films.

Always have a service plan in place to take care of warranty issues and confirm that all documentation is filed with the film manufacturer to ensure compliance after the troops return from the field.

When is the best time to install window film for sun control & summer energy savings?

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3M Window Films offer a graceful, yet pragmatic way for working out several intriguing prospects of finagling sun control and security issues for your home or business not only in the summer, but also during winter months as well. Decorative window film is also turning out to be a prevailing pick and with several options to select from, it’s easy to see why some favor privacy film and some admit window film is more of an energy efficient option. 3M Window film applications are inducing more and more smart interior designers & architects to utilize 3M Sun Control, Ultra Security and Fragment Retention films.

When security film is applied an unseen layer of security facilitates to hold glass in place when it attempts to shatter are made due to fierce storms, accidents, home invasion or illegal entries. 3M Safety & Security Film (Fragment Retention) can dramatically limit damage from high impact shattered glass, defending people and premises.

3M Privacy, Sun Control & Security Window Films offer:

  • Enhanced construction aesthetics and privacy
  • Solar protection for your dwelling
  • Ameliorated safety from glass
  • Protection for your piece of furniture from ultraviolet illumination
  • Energy efficient energy bills

Please continue to read our website pages and feel free to contact me with any questions about window film – Jeff Franson, Window Film Depot CEO

Smart Buildings choose Window Film for Energy Savings

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Commercial Window Film Solutions – Atlanta

So, Mr Building Engineer, you’ve installed the timers on the lights, replaced the air filters, upgraded the HVAC system and changed out the light-bulbs….What now – your energy costs are still out of control? How about a money saving ’face-lift’ from Window Film Depot with high performance solar window films?

Conservation of energy is the ‘other side of the coin’ in today’s debate around energy independence.  For all the talk about solar, hydro, bio, and other ‘clean-tech’ solutions in the pipeline, one thing needs to be remembered. If we don’t conserve, we won’t win the battle, or the war.

Solar control window film is a proven solution for engineers, facility managers and building owners who work hard to drive building operating costs down through lower energy usage.

Building owners know that managing energy costs downward is critical to a profitable operation – and press their engineers for solutions that impact the bottom line.

Mr Building Owner, do us both a favor, on the next hot and sunny day, stand in front of one of your west facing windows and count to 20. Then, as you wipe the sweat from your brow, consider the benefits of solar control window films for a minute….and call the head engineer in for a meeting.

First, look at the performance. Solar films will block up to 75% of the heat gain streaming through windows. Low-E, (low emissivity), films provide dual purpose solutions by not only rejecting heat coming in, but also keep warm air in, acting as an insulator.

Second, solar film is easy to have installed. Solar films are installed on existing glass as a retro-fit in the matter of days, if not weeks for larger projects. Crews work off hours and on weekends to ensure a smooth and non-disruptive project.

Third, window film is a great investment that addresses multiple issues. Installed properly, solar window film will last form 20-30 years before needing replacement. For most buildings, the payback in energy savings alone is between 2 and 4 years. Ancillary benefits like improved tenant comfort, UV protection, glare control, added privacy and security make window film a ‘green solution’ with multiple value propositions.

Make sense? The next steps are easy. Window Film Depot provides national sales and installation services of solar, security and designer window films.

Call Window Film Depot today for our free assessment of your portfolio of properties. 866-933-3456 or use the contact form below to get the ball rolling.

Window Film Boston-Los Angeles-Orange County -New York-Tampa-Seattle -Atlanta- Window Film Solutions