BG Place Tower

Location: Houston, Texas

The Challenge

This LEED Platinum office building was experiencing excessive solar heat gain on western exposure creating annoying ‘hot and cold spots’ throughout the work day.

Client required our window film installation team to complete the project between Christmas break and New Years Day. Mission accomplished.

The Solution

20K sf of interior mounted 3M NV 25 energy film.

Duration: 10 days

The Result

3M window film reduced over 40% of the heat gain coming through the IG windows and balanced the building temperatures throughout, reducing annoying ‘hot and cold’ spots.

ROI: < 24 months

Utility Rebates: Yes

Westin Hotel

Failing interior glass coating required an exterior masking of solar film to improve building aesthetics.

Coordination with hotel  management to access and deploy swing staging required extensive project management experience and execution.

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