Fenway Park

Location:  Boston, Mass

The Challenge

The new museum at Fenway Park is home to some of the greatest artifacts in baseball history. The natural light filled space created a problem of UV exposure on precious items and the concern of premature fading was significant.

The clear film from 3M was installed on the glass cases after the memorabilia was already being showcased causing a significant challenge to our capable installers of not damaging any of the priceless items during the application process.

The Solution

WFD recommended and installed 3M’s clear 99% UV shield on all the exterior glass and the glass memorabilia cases throughout the baseball shrine.

Duration: One week

The Result

3M’s UV film is 100% optically clear leaving the glass cases pristine in appearance. The concern of premature sun damage has been alleviated for ownership.


The Oculus transit hub is the latest ‘must see’ New York City landmark. Tens of thousands of visitors & commuters pass through Oculus on a daily basis creating the need to protect the glass rail from premature damage.

Entry doors & passageways received clear film from 3M on both sides of the interior glass ensuring the primary surface remains damage-free for years to come.

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