Southwest US Retailer

Location: Southwest US

The Challenge

Smash-and-grab crime in the region was a major problem for this retailer. Grills or gates were often disallowed or could not fit into the existing construction of the building.

Retrofit onto existing glazing frames, DefenseLite helped maintain a clear view into the store both day and night while creating an invisible forcefield of protection. Critical to the client was the need to maintain the “open” design and change the appearance of the storefront as little as possible.

The Solution

WFD recommended DefenseLite clear retrofit storefront security systems in order to “keep the bad guys out”.

Duration:  3 Months


The Result

Since the roll-out, there have been five confirmed FAILED smash-and-grab attempts to breach the DefenseLite system and gain entry into stores serviced by WFD.


Smash-and-grab crime leading to thousands of dollars in inventory loss and creating a negative brand experience.

Critical to the client was the need to maintain the “open” design and change the appearance of the storefront as little as possible.

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